Upcoming events

Past events

13-14th december 2019 - Matera, Rijeka, Galway

Mammamiaaa Day

2019 is coming to an end and soon the award of European Capital of Culture will pass from Matera to the cities of Rijeka 2020 and Galway 2020. Let’s celebrate this moment together with a special Mammamiaaa Day!

2 days to share recipes, convivial moments and talk about the socio/cultural dimension of food creating a connection between the Capitals of Culture.

Everyone could participate in Mammamiaaa by sharing the video of a recipe with a family history from their kitchen. The video will be shared on the social media channels of the project and inserted into the digital archive of Mammamiaaa.

Do you want to participate and share your family recipe?
Follow the rules indicated on https://www.mammamiaaa.it/en/participate/
or contact us at info@mammamiaaa.it

13 th september - Matera

Let's create an herbarium

Creative workshop for children to learn how to create an herbarium.

Fryday the 13th of september in the garden of Mammamiaaa, at Agoragri

To participate info@mammamiaaa.it

7 September 2019 - Matera

La Uasciazz, the great final dinner of Mammamiaaa

On september the 7th join the final dinner of Mammamiaaa.
A special dinner with people from all around Europe, sharing recipes and family stories.

An evening to celebrate food and relationships and be part of a unic great community. 

Every one will bring something to eat and drink to share.

– Ore 19.30 shared dinner in Piazza San Pio x,  Matera;
– Ore 21.30 open party.

NB. the dinner will be an exclusive event for the participants of Mammamiaaa. Info and subscription at info@mammamiaaa.it

9 August 2019 - Matera

Let's build a scarecrow

A creative workshop for children to build a scarecrow.

On friday the 9th of august at 18:00 in Agoragri, public garden in Matera.

Subscription at info@mammamiaaa.it

Deadline subscription: 7 august.

24 July 2019 - Bologna

GREAT Community Pic nic

The 24th of july at 18.30 Mammamiaaa will join the community on Great for a wonderful pic nic. A moment to taste and share new recipes and good practices about food sustainability. In Bologna!

To join the pic nic subscribe here

Free enter.

During the pic nic we will presente the Social Food Green Paper. Save the date!

12 July 2019 - Matera

Sannio Falanghina 2019, the European City of Wine

On july the 12th at 18.00,  Sannio Falanghina 2019 – European City of Wine – and Sannio Consorzio Tutela Vini, will be guest of Mammamiaaa at Casa Netural. We will plant in the learning garden of U Iurt a new vineyard of Falanghina, one of the most ancient grapes of Italy, the great ambassador of Campania.

Free enter!

28 June 2019 - Matera

Pic nic with Mammamiaaa

A great picnic with the community of Mammamiaaa, to share new special recipes and family memories!

Bring your recipe and share it with new friends.

Free enter!

To participate subscribe with a mail at info@mammamiaaa.it

We wait for you at U Iurt, the learning garden of Mammamiaaa, at Agoragri, public urban garden in viale Italia, at the corner with via dei Normanni.


10 May 2019 - Agoragri, viale Italia, Matera

U Iurt di Mammamiaaa

Inauguration of the community garden in Matera.

U Iurt will be a new hub for the families and the temporary citizens of Matera 2019. A green place animated by a lot of events.

From 4th of April to 14th April - China Town in Milan, Paolo Sarpi district

Mammamiaaa day D|Food

Mammamiaaa goes China Town, in Milan.

For Milano Design Week, the newborn Dfood project will promote Food Design in the neighbourhood of Paolo Sarpi.

From 4th to April the 14th, Dfood will participate to Mammamiaaa, in collaboration with Presso and Design Group Italia, to share the family recipes of the district!

Are you part of this neighbourhood?

Organise your own meal and share with us your recipes and family stories. To share it remember to record everything with pictures and videos.

Discover how to participate here https://www.mammamiaaa.it/en/participate/

31 March 2019 - Belvedere Luigi Guerricchio, Matera

U Paràt di Mammamiaaa

Hundreds of meals have been organised across all Europe, and so many mothers, fathers, grandparents and nephews shared their recipes and family stories. 🍽

On sunday 31 march we will celebrate all this stories with the inauguration of “U Paràt”, an installation in the center of Matera, in which every recipe told so far becomes a ceramic plate.

10 March 2019 - Palazzo Lanfranchi, Sala Levi, Matera

Social Food Forum

A new Social Food Forum, together with an online Social Food Atlas, will be launched in Matera on Sunday 10 March, at 10.30 am.

During the event John Thackara and fifteen Social Food Curators from across Europe will meet together in Matera to share their best practice. 

The social food curators will present to the public:
-The Social Food Atlas:online platform that makes a wide variety of projects visible, in one place, for the first time;
The Social Food Green Paper: a paper that will be a legacy of Matera 2019 and will help social food projects all around Europe to grow and develop their work in new places with new partners.

These include VaZapp, Rete Semi Rurali, Il Querceto, Alce Nero, Wonder Grottole, Avanzi Popolo, Funky Tomato, Liminaria, Panecotto Ethical BistrotCasa Netural and Agrinetural from Italy; Simra from Scotland; Surcos Urbanos from Spain; Sustainable Food Lab from Sweden; Doors of Perception and Atelier LUMA from France; Holis from Hungary; Urbania Hoeve Social Design Lab from the Netherlands.

14 February 2019

Mammamiaaa Day - Valentine's Day

What will you cook for your loved one on this romantic day?
Certainly something special!

Share with us your recipe and its special story, every participant will be awarded with a 15% discount on Alce Nero shop online.

Discover how to particpate on www.mammamiaaa.it/en/participate

11 January 2019

Mammamiaaa Day Plovdiv 2019

Mammamiaaa and Matera 2019 fly to Plovdiv to be part of the opening cerimony of Plovdiv 2019, European Capital of Culture!

On January the 11th, join us and celebrate food relationships sharing a recipe and its family story in a new Mammamiaaa Day!

To participate and share your recipe, organise a meal with your friends and family and follow the rules on mammamiaaa.it

From 23 to 26 December 2018

Mammamiaaa Christmas Edition

Christmas time it’s the perfect moment to share recipes and family stories..
From december the 23th to the 26th, join the community of Mammamiaaa and share with us your heritage.

Join the community organising a meal in your home to share a recipe and the story linked to it. Every organiser of a meal will be awarded with a special 15% discount on Alce Nero online shop. Register here and participate!

More info at info@mammamiaaa.it

24 November 2018

Mammamiaaa Day Europe

On 24 November Mammamiaaa lands in Europe!
It will be a special day to celebrate together food and relationship with people from Basilicata, Italy and all Europe.

Join the community organising a meal in your home to share a recipe and the story linked to it. Every organiser of a meal will be awarded with a special 15% discount on Alce Nero online shop. Register here and participate!

More info at info@mammamiaaa.it


20 October 2018

Mammamiaaa Day in Wonder Grottole

During the Ecoc Family Meeting in Matera, a new Mammamiaaa day will take place connecting the City of Stones with the rural village of Grottole, organised with Wonder Grottole. Join the community organising a meal in your home to share a recipe and the story linked to it.

Every organiser of a meal will be awarded with a special 15% discount on Alce Nero online shop Register your meal and participate!

20 ottobre 2018

Stories and family recipies from Il Brancaccio Retirement Home

During this Mammamiaaa Day also our friends from the Retirement Home Il Brancaccio, Matera, will share with us their stories and family recipies, through a special dinner organised by our partner Il Sicomoro.

Follow our Facebook page and Instagram profile to know their stories and family recipes.

21 September 2018

Mammamiaaa Day in Torino and Matera

During “Terra Madre Salone del Gusto” and “MateRadio Radio3 Rai”, the community of Mammamiaaa will organise in Torino and Matera new dinners! For the first time, thanks to the partnership with Alce Nero, for every dinner we will give to the organizers a discount of 15% for the online shop.

Organise your own dinner during the event, and register it in the participate section!

1st – 31th July 2018

Organizz na mangiat ch Mammameij

Mammamiaaa is ready to conquer Basilicata! From the 1st to the 31th of july the community will organize a lot of dinners all around the 131 towns of Basilicata. Organize your own dinner and share with us your recipe and family story.

4th – 9th june 2018

10 dinners around Milano and Matera

Mammamiaaa is back! From the 4th to the 9th of june our community will organize 10 new dinners, with new stories and recipes. Follow the dinners on the facebook event.

10th – 11th may 2018

10 dinners for Milano Food City

Mammamiaaa partecipated to Milano Food City with 10 dinners organized by our wonderful community. All the recipes are available on the social media, and in the archive.